- Story Gathering
- Story Gathering: Overview
- Story Gathering: What Gets In the Way
- Story Gathering: Strategies
- Story Gathering: Find Ideas
- Story Gathering: Find Direction
- Story Gathering: Overcome Fear
- Story Gathering: Learning to Write Badly
- Story Gathering: How to Keep Creating
- Interview: Kyran Pittman
- Story Gathering: Resources
- Story Gathering: Final Thoughts
In this module we look at three issues that keep us from writing and explore nine strategies for finding material for our work*.
*A note on terminology: I tend to use the term “story” rather loosely. In this module especially, I use it to refer to a wide range of genres, forms, and styles. Sometimes I’ll use a more general term (such as “project,” “work,” or “piece,”) but I’ll often use “stories” to mean any kind of writing, including essays, memoirs, novels, short stories, blog posts, even poems. I know it’s not exactly correct, but it’s a convenient shorthand.
>Each page in this module contains a space at the bottom for discussion. I encourage you to post your comments, questions, and replies.
>Get started: Use the outline to the right to navigate through this module, or click the button below to view the next page.